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subversion installation (1.4.3)

A great post about subversion of hasin brother.

On the new version of subversion 1.4.3 u will need to do some thing more. svn-1.4.3 cann’t be install as service. U have take help from 3rd party tools.

Two of them are:

  • SVNService is a free tool written by Magnus Norddahl (not found)
  • SrvAny is avaliable free of charge from Microsoft

or u can use “sc” command to add subversion as service..

Here is the example:
sc create svnserve binpath= "c:svnservesvnserve.exe --service --root
c:repos" displayname= "Subversion" depend= tcpip start= auto
These command must be entered as a single line.

Here bindpath is the where the svnserve.exe is installed, –root is the root directory of
repository, displayname is the name that will display on the windows service list, start = auto is used to start this service on system startup.

Hope it will help you 🙂

  1. May 24th, 2007 at 00:10 | #1


  2. August 10th, 2007 at 12:57 | #2

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