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AWS RDS Aurora max_connections limit

February 15th, 2018 Leave a comment Go to comments

For our office products, we are using Amazon Cloud. For the database, we prefer to use Amazon RDS (Aurora). Recently one of our sites was showing lots of error message in sentry.io. The error log shows it was because of MySQL denied to connect for too many open connections. This is when we checked the RDS max_connection limit and found its related to the size of your RDS instance. So we tested the max_connection limit for different size instances. And here is the result:


aurora max connection limit small 45


aurora max connection limit medium 90


aurora max connection limit large 1000


aurora max connection limit xlarge 2000


aurora max connection limit 2xlarge 3000


aurora max connection limit 4xlarge 4000


aurora max connection limit 8xlarge 5000

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