
Author Archive

2D transformation of triangle

December 25th, 2006 No comments

Today i passed 15 hours to complete my Computer Graphics Project, my subject is “2d transformation of triangle”. Thanks goes to tania and razul to help me in this project.

you can check my project: doc code

Categories: C/C++, My Works Tags:


December 24th, 2006 3 comments

u will be happy to hear that, i successfully made the openSuse DVD from the 5 CDs. So u can collect it from me. if u need, please replay by comments.

Categories: My Works, openSUSE Tags:

openSuse 10.2

December 16th, 2006 2 comments

i downloaded the openSUSE10.2 (5 CDs) , if u need a copy please let me know.

Categories: openSUSE Tags:

check ur windows pc’s uptime

December 7th, 2006 No comments

I am totally linux/*nix lover, but for my friend i was searching the function to findout the uptime of a windows pc.

Open Start ->Run->cmd

and type “Systeminfo | Find “Up Time” and enter.

Here is the example

uptime win
Another one is : (but it need to download another tool, so boring)

Categories: Windows xp Tags:

Got 10 Ubuntu CD

November 29th, 2006 No comments

Today i got 10 Ubuntu CDs. Though i applied for these cd’s 3 month ago :(.


1> 8 i386 CDs

2> 1 64bit addition

3> 1 Mac Addition

Bad is, these are ubuntu dapper 🙁

Categories: My Computer, ubuntu Tags:

Unijoy in linux

October 17th, 2006 7 comments

some day ago i make a Howto for setting unijoy in linux (debian). here is the compressed file download
and test if it’s working. Any problem, write comments.

Categories: My Works Tags:

my statistics on acm

October 10th, 2006 No comments
Categories: My Works, Personal, Programming Tags:

Fun: Microsofts Genuine Advantage Support

September 29th, 2006 2 comments


A lot of managers are afraid to use Open Source Software, because it doesn’t come with any support. Of course that isn’t true. It is a classical piece of FUD. And then again, how much is support worth?

MS: Microsoft Support. Good morning, sir. Can I help you.
IC: I have a problem. My computer has halted with a message.
MS: What’s the message, sir.
IC: ReadStringFromInf: UpdSpGetLineText failed: 0xe0000102; Microsoft Windows is Not Present
MS: May I have your product key, sir.
IC: [gives completely valid product key]
MS: I’m sorry, sir. That is not a valid product key.
IC: But I bought it at Amazon! And it was shipped with Federal Express.
MS: I’m sorry, sir. It is a counterfeit copy.
IC: I don’t understand..
MS: I’m sorry, sir.
IC: Is there anything you can do for me?
MS: You could contact Amazon, sir. Or..
IC: Or what?
MS: You could send us the CD’s, sir. We will verify authenticity for you.
IC: That would be great! When will I have them back?
MS: We just verify authenticity, sir. We won’t return them.
IC: Even if it is a genuine copy?
MS: Even if it a genuine copy, sir.
IC: Oh..
MS: I’m sorry, sir. Have a nice day. [click]

MS: Microsoft Support. Good morning, sir. Can I help you.
IC: Windows displays some strange message on my screen.
MS: What’s the message, sir.
IC: ReadStringFromInf: UpdSpGetLineText failed: 0xe0000102; Microsoft Windows is Not Present
MS: May I have your product key, sir.
IC: [gives completely valid product key]
MS: Ok, sir. Can you please reboot your PC?
IC: Will that solve the problem?
MS: Please reboot your PC, sir.
IC: Ok, ok, wait a minute.
MS: Please call us again if you eXPerience any more problems. Have a nice day, sir. [click]

MS: Microsoft Support. Good morning, sir. Can I help you.
IC: Hi, it’s me again. I still got the same error.
MS: What’s the error, sir.
IC: ReadStringFromInf: UpdSpGetLineText failed: 0xe0000102; Microsoft Windows is Not Present
MS: May I have your product key, sir.
IC: [gives completely valid product key]
MS: I’m afraid you’ll have to reinstall Windows, sir.
IC: Really? That takes forever. Is there any other way?
MS: No, sir. I’m afraid not. Have a nice day. [click]

MS: Microsoft Support. Good morning, sir. Can I help you.
IC: I reinstalled Windows and I still got the same message box!!
MS: What does the box say, sir.
IC: ReadStringFromInf: UpdSpGetLineText failed: 0xe0000102; Microsoft Windows is Not Present
MS: May I have your product key, sir.
IC: [gives completely valid product key]
MS: That will be fixed in the next release, sir.
IC: The next release? When will that be?
MS: Vista will be released January 2007, sir.
IC: Can I get an update?
MS: No sir, not for a OEM version.
IC: And how much will it cost me to get this new release?
MS: $199 for Windows Vista Home Basic, sir. Do you want to pay with Visa, Mastercard, Diners, etc.
IC: I can order right now?
MS: No sir, we have to charge you $350 for this call.
IC: I don’t get any free support?
MS: No sir, not after sixty days and only if it concerns a bug in our software.
IC: This isn’t a bug?
MS: No sir, it’s a critical security update issue.
IC: [murmurs a credit card number]
MS: Thank you sir, for calling Microsoft support. Have a nice day! [click]
Categories: Fun Tags:

pushed bnix

September 28th, 2006 No comments

I am really too much busy with my study now. So i pushed my bnix project. I hope i will start this project with in next 3 weeks 🙂 .

Categories: BNix Tags:

post from gnome-blog

September 28th, 2006 1 comment

i am writing this post from gnome-blog. Cool tool. it’s support blogger, wordpress & livejournel.

Categories: gnome, Linux Tags:
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