
Archive for the ‘announce’ Category

Hi visitor

August 20th, 2007 No comments

Thanks for visiting my blog. This is not a technical post (most of my previous post are technical 😛 ).
Today i am going to share the history of this blog. I started blogging about 2 years ago with After passing some time i moved my entire blog to Then i tried lot’s of other host like, 100webs etc . But every where there is some limit ion. So i move my blog to this paid hosting about 3 months ago.

From the very beginning i tried to share my knowledge with you. To share the knowledge with more and more people, i always try to some more people in. So if you think my blog is really helped you, please don’t forget to tell your friend about my blog.

To get more people in, i added digg support on my everypost (past and future). So if you really like any my post, please give a digg (it’s so simple, just click on the digg icon then follow there instruction). Though it will waste your little time, belive me, it will help lots of other people to get this post :).

If you have any feedback, please write it on comment or send a mail to smibrahim[at]


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