
Archive for the ‘BNix’ Category

pushed bnix

September 28th, 2006 No comments

I am really too much busy with my study now. So i pushed my bnix project. I hope i will start this project with in next 3 weeks 🙂 .

Categories: BNix Tags:

Compressing BNix 0.1.0

August 29th, 2006 No comments
Categories: BNix, Linux, My Works Tags:

First Beta of BNix

August 26th, 2006 No comments

Today i release the first beta or BNix. It’s now booting sucessfully with totally bengali language support. Though some probelm with bootloader. I will solve the boot loader problem with in this week.

PS. As i have no free server, i can’t give you the file to download. If you have, please help me to share this liveCd with you.

Categories: BNix, Linux, My Works Tags:

Started building of BNix

August 23rd, 2006 No comments

Tonight i started to build my first linux live CD called BNix. 🙂 i will inform you the latest news about it. 🙂

Categories: BNix, Linux, My Works Tags:
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