
Archive for the ‘unix’ Category

Installing ttf fonts on Debian or Ubuntu Linux

January 31st, 2007 15 comments

Here is the simple step to install ttf font on Debian or Ubuntu or debian based linux.

First of all make a font directory to store the fonts. Better use “/usr/share/fonts/ttf”

So make the font directory:

Debian (login as root or use su):

mkdir /usr/share/fonts/ttf


sudo mkdir /usr/share/fonts/ttf

If u want to install the ttf font from windows, simple copy them from c:\windows\Fonts


mkdir windows
mount /dev/hda1 windows
cd windows/Fonts
cp *.ttf /usr/share/fonts/ttf


mkdir windows
sudo mount /dev/hda1 windows
cd windows/Fonts
sudo cp *.ttf /usr/share/fonts/ttf

Now u need to generate the fonts.scale fonts.dir, so u have to install the ttmkfdir and mkfontdir.

apt-get install ttmkfdir

cd /usr/share/fonts/ttf
ttmkfdir > fonts.scale


sudo apt-get install ttmkfdir

cd /usr/share/fonts/ttf
sudo ttmkfdir > fonts.scale
sudo mkfontdir

Most of the works finished. U only need to add the font path to xwindows.


nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf


sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf

then add the fontpath to xorg.conf

FontPath “/usr/share/fonts/ttf”

Now restart ur display manager or total system.

/etc/init.d/gdm restart


sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart

If nothing goes wrong, ur done. Congrutulation!!!!!!!!

Categories: Debian, Linux, My Works, ubuntu, unix Tags:


September 25th, 2006 No comments

“The GTK-Qt Theme Engine (also known as gtk-qt-engine) is a GTK 2 theme engine
that calls Qt to do the actual drawing. This makes your GTK 2 applications
look almost like real Qt applications and gives you a more unified desktop

Please note that this package is targeted at KDE users and therefore provides
a way to configure it from within KControl.”

Personaly i am using this package. And it’s works cool

Categories: Debian, Debian GNU/Linux, General, gnome, KDE, Linux, unix Tags:

unix study blog

September 8th, 2006 No comments

Today i started new blog called unixstudy with some of my friends. All of you are invited to see our unixstudy

Categories: General, Linux, My Works, unix Tags:
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