
Archive for the ‘wordpress plugin’ Category

wordpress bangla plugin 2.0

December 24th, 2007 36 comments

i just finished version 2.0 of wordpress bangla plugin. in this new version now you also use probhat layout.

you can download it from here


simple unzip this file and overwrite the old files.

WordPress Bangla plugin 1.5 released

May 31st, 2007 3 comments

Read this first

At last today it released from

Now you can download it from here

প্লাগিনটি টেস্ট করার জন্য সবাইকে ধন্যবাদ।

Categories: My Works, PHP, wordpress plugin Tags:

WordPress Bangla plugin updated

May 26th, 2007 52 comments

I just done the update of wordpress bangla plugin . That was developed by Hasin Hayder .

Now you can also write comments in bangla (unijoy & phonetic) without installing any extra software.

Everybody are welcome to test it by commenting here. Please write details if you get any bug.

download wordpress bangla plugin

Installation steps:
1. Download the zip file
2. extract it
3. upload the banglakb folder to
4. login to your admin panel and activate the banglakb plugin
5. edit your profile, and uncheck visual editor (to make post in bangla)
6. Add this code < ?php wp_banglakb_comments(); ?> in your comments.php after “comment” textarea.


Categories: My Works, wordpress plugin Tags:
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